Animated, Colombian Film “La Otra Forma” Dreams Different
“La Otra Forma,” the new wordless, animated film by the Colombian director Diego Felipe Guzmán, challenges how we tell stories.
“La Otra Forma,” the new wordless, animated film by the Colombian director Diego Felipe Guzmán, challenges how we tell stories.
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about ‘My Broken Language,’ and I recommend it to anyone who asks me what they should read next.
The disdain my parents have for ODAAT Elena is blatant. I want to protect her, like I have myself, but her sitcom trappings make it impossible.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and to celebrate holistic health, I am sharing some of the best-selling self-help books of all time.
Though some renditions are a letdown, overall, ‘The Little Mermaid’ is a sweet, magical adventure to enjoy with the family.
Slightly campy in the most 90s way, ‘Power Rangers: Once and Again’ bridges the gap between generations in a way that many reboots don’t.
I’ve had enough of watching BIPOC women be treated poorly and darker skinned Latinx people erased altogether in reality dating shows.
Chanel Cleeton’s “Next Year in Havana” is about two Cuban women from the same family facing challenges and changes in uncertain times.
Ashley Soto Paniagua and Dani Adaliz are the biracial Afro-Puerto Rican creators and leads of the buddy comedy, ‘Chuchi and Adaliz.’
The MCU’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, exceeded my expectations, thanks in part to Zoe Saldaña’s stand out performance as Gamora.