Stats and Resources

Latinas are dramatically underrepresented in media. When we are depicted, we are too often stereotyped as criminals, servants, or both. That allows folks who aren’t in community with us to ignore, fear, and hate us.

It’s time Latinas and femme Latinxs have a say in deciding how we’re represented. We should be telling, starring in, and reviewing our own stories!

Stats and Studies

There are actual numbers to back us up, thanks to leading researchers Dr. Ana-Christina Ramón and Stacie M. de Armas, and organizations like the Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC). Check them out:


This problem is big. Latinas and femme Latinxs are dramatically underrepresented in all the decision-making positions in Hollywood and our numbers have not budged there even as our share of the population (and economy!) grow. BUT. We are a persistent, hard-working people and we’re not going to let the shit stand. In fact, we’re organizing at all levels across the industry to make sure our stories get told. Here’s an (incomplete) list of some of the amazing groups on the ground:

Encouraging Our Role as Cultural Gatekeepers (aka Journalists)

Latinas in Journalism Mentorship Program
LEJA – Latino Entertainment Journalist Association
NAHJ – National Association of Hispanic Journalists
Latino Media Consortium

Getting More Latinx Storytellers Hired

Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR)
Hollywood Latinx Writers
LA Collab
Latinas in Media
Latino Filmmakers Network
LatinX Directors
LatinX in Animation
Latinx Screenwriters
Latinx Writers
LTX Connect
NALIP – National Association of Latino Independent Producers
The Untitled Latinx Project
WOC Unite

Uplifting Our Voices

Avenida Productions
Chicago Latino Film Festival
CineFest Latino Boston
Imagen Awards
Houston Latino Film Festival
LALIFF – Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival
Latino Media Fest
Latino Reel
Minnesota Cine Latino Film Festival
NHFA – National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts
NYLFF – New York Latino Film Festival
Official Latino Film and Arts Festival
Philadelphia Latino Arts & Film Festival
San Diego Latino Film Festival
San Francisco Latino Film Festival
Seattle Latino Film Festival

Organizing Our Community

Acevedo Foundation
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI)
Friends of the American Latino Museum
Latinx House
LIMA Coalition
NHMC – National Hispanic Media Coalition
Voto Latino
We All Grow
We Are All Human

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