LatinaMedia.Co uplifts Latina and queer Latinx perspective in media. We publish original pieces of criticism, amplify the on-going work of Latina and gender non-conforming Latinx critics, and lift up Latinx media. We’re supported by our Patreon subscribers, your eyeballs, and Critical Minded, an initiative to invest in cultural critics of color cofounded by The Nathan Cummings Foundation and the Ford Foundation.
Welcome to our TEDx Talk
Seriously – watch Latina Media Co’s story below as told by our co-founder and EIC Cristina Escobar.
Las Mujeres Problemáticas
LatinaMedia.Co was co-founded by Nicola Schultz and Cristina Escobar. They have a weird amount of things in common – they attended the same small liberal arts college, they’re both mixed-race Latinas, their Dads have the same birthday, BUT they are not actually the same person and have been seen in the same place, at the same time on multiple occasions.
Cristina Escobar
A rehabilitated English major, Cristina writes at the intersection of race, gender, and pop culture. In addition to co-founding and serving as editor-in-chief of LatinaMedia.Co, she’s a member of the Critics Choice Association and the Latino Entertainment Journalists Association, a Rotten-Tomatoes-approved critic, and a frequent panel moderator and talking head, including on the TEDx stage. When she’s not opining on the state of Latinx representation in media, she’s generally loving life in Santa Fe, NM with her spouse, two kids, and rescue dog. Finally, her abuelita made the best tamales this world has ever seen. The end.
Nicola Schulze
A Bay-Area native, Nicola is currently the engine behind communications at the Women’s Foundation California, a publicly supported foundation dedicated to achieving racial, economic, and gender justice by centering the experience and expertise of communities most impacted by systemic injustice. Previously, she worked at The Representation Project, a nonprofit using film and media as catalysts for cultural transformation. With a background in tech, Nicola has integrated a data-driven approach with her passion for intersectional, gender-equality work, advancing campaigns, such as #RepresentHer, #AskMoreOfHim, and #AskHerMore, that have not only reached millions of people but inspired them to take action. She has lead projects for a variety of organizations from Verizon Wireless to The Government of Puerto Rico to Stanford University. When she’s not finding someone else to rant to about gender equity. Nicola enjoys dogs, food, traveling, and pie. Nicola would also like to add that her abuelita made the best tamales this word has ever seen.
Our Advisors
LatinaMedia.Co is a team effort. Cristina and Nicola regularly ping our friends, colleagues, and ancestors for help. We’re especially thankful to LEJA President Toni Gonzales, veteran journalist Susanne Ramirez de Arellano, and corporate impact expert Tolu Lawrence for serving as official advisors for LatinaMedia.Co.
Our Authors
Latina Media Co is proud to feature a community of authors, ranging from those getting their first byline to those with decades of experience. Check out our list of 50+ contributors to see what we’re talking about. And pitch us if you want to join them. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Contact Us
Have questions for the Mujeres Problemáticas? Want to pitch us a story? Email us cristina arroba latinamedia punto co and nicola arroba latinamedia punto co.