Sundance Winner “Sujo” Honors Mexican Youth
“Sujo,” an emotionally arresting film by Mexican filmmakers Astrid Rondero and Fernanda Valadez premiered at Sundance to great acclaim.
“Sujo,” an emotionally arresting film by Mexican filmmakers Astrid Rondero and Fernanda Valadez premiered at Sundance to great acclaim.
The Latinx Sixteen Candles is a chance to celebrate our culture and provide representation that is much more nuanced than the original.
Dominican and Caribbean-American author Naima Coster is unafraid to tell extraordinary stories about ordinary families, especially the women that lead them. Her sophomore novel “What’s Mine and Yours” is now out in paperback.
Reality competition shows like The Circle can be heartwarming in their own way, but they can also show how people can justify their hostility – a reality connected heavily to how we racialize each other.
Latinx stories have been finding their home in podcasting, calling back to a rich history of oral, familial storytelling and, of course, chisme. Check out these eleven podcasts that are doing the work of putting Latin American and immigrant stories front and center, told in our own voices and to our own rhythms.
The first time I read This Bridge Called My Back, I was a junior in college. My favorite gender studies professor started a book club and bought everyone a copy of the recently released 4th edition. The department loved to talk about intersectionality, even though it was mostly led by white American and European women. […]
Wednesday, like most of America, I was glued to the television, watching as whiteness wielded its power and stormed the U.S. capitol. Countless images of white supremacists turned domestic terrorists flooded CNN as I watched them spend their privilege dancing and running, emboldened and entitled by their Commander and Chief. Then as I was watching, […]
The Emmys (and Hollywood in general) has a race problem — even if the 2020 nominations are a step in the right direction. So how do we solve it?
Can a show that’s white and male still expand who can be a hero, who’s worthy of our attention, and who deserves to have their story told?
I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I watched it live, made sure I hadn’t missed an episode with the DVDs, and read all the think-pieces I could (and there are a lot). Not to mention science says it’s good for you — watching shows like Buffy (aka shows with kickass female leads) has a proven positive correlation to less gender […]