Do Not Forget: Latinx People Stormed the Capitol Too

Wednesday, like most of America, I was glued to the television, watching as whiteness wielded its power and stormed the U.S. capitol. Countless images of white supremacists turned domestic terrorists flooded CNN as I watched them spend their privilege dancing and running, emboldened and entitled by their Commander and Chief. Then as I was watching, […]

White Men and the Media: A Love Story

On Friday, Gallup released a report on the favorability ratings of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The article was entitled “Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Better Known, but Image Skews Negative.” After I read the headline, I was disappointed believing that the hype around the new congresswoman was dissipating. Then I actually looked at the numbers. It’s true she is growing unfavorably among three […]

The Joy of Watching Women of Color in Power

Wednesday, many of us watched, as former personal lawyer to Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, testified before the House Oversight committee. In his opening statement, Cohen called President Trump a “racist, conman, and a cheat.” Unfortunately, watching a white man being called out appropriately is never as satisfying as it should be. Usually, these events tend to […]

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