Do Not Forget: Latinx People Stormed the Capitol Too

Wednesday, like most of America, I was glued to the television, watching as whiteness wielded its power and stormed the U.S. capitol. Countless images of white supremacists turned domestic terrorists flooded CNN as I watched them spend their privilege dancing and running, emboldened and entitled by their Commander and Chief. Then as I was watching, […]

White Men and the Media: A Love Story

On Friday, Gallup released a report on the favorability ratings of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The article was entitled “Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Better Known, but Image Skews Negative.” After I read the headline, I was disappointed believing that the hype around the new congresswoman was dissipating. Then I actually looked at the numbers. It’s true she is growing unfavorably among three […]

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