‘With Love’ Season Two Is A Refreshing Take on Latinx Love (and Sex!)

Whenever I think of the phrase “happily ever after” the first image that comes to mind is Cinderella and her Prince Charming waving from the back of a horse-drawn carriage (understandable since we’ve been conditioned by movies and fairytales to believe that’s what a happy ending looks like); I rarely think about people who don’t […]

The Complicated Intersection of Love and Excellence

Our relationships are supposed to make us stronger: “you challenge me to be better,” “I learn so much from you,” “you’re my best friend.” They’re all clichés you hear at weddings and see on anniversary cards. Yet, as a recent New York Times article reminded us, relationships don’t always turn out to be fountains of support and […]

Finding Love and Pandemonium on “The Good Place”

In “Pandemonium,” the season three finale of The Good Place, the show makes explicit its most radical idea yet: love. Specifically, love as what gives life meaning. As Janet, the all-knowing robot says, “If there were an answer I could give you to how the universe works, it wouldn’t be special. It would just be […]

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