15 Latinx Sundance Titles to Watch For

Don’t let anyone tell you Latinx people don’t make films. We do – and every year there’s a bevy of movies starring, directed, and centering people at Sundance. Do we then get invited to the right meetings and receive big Hollywood deals that put our stories in front of audiences around the world? If you […]

5 Italians Playing Latinxs in Film

Obviously part of acting is portraying foreign identities but it’s easier to play familiar ones. So, it makes sense to hire Latinx actors to play Latinx roles, right? Those actors have the advantage of being familiar with the life experiences, verbiage, accents, and other nuances of the culture embedded into who they are, making the […]

The Latinos Who Scored Emmy Nominations (And Who Didn’t)

In a recurring theme for Latinos in Hollywood, this year’s Emmy nominations gave some warm love to handful of our gente while leaving others out in the cold. But, rather than dribble on with the same facts and figures with regard to Latino Emmy nominees, we are choosing to celebrate those who scored a nomination […]

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