Queen of the South 507: ‘El zorro en la gallinera’

QUEEN OF THE SOUTH -- "The Fox in the Hen House" Episode 507 -- Pictured in this screengrab: Alice Braga as Teresa Mendoza -- (Photo by: USA Network)

Queen of the South 507 “El zorro en la gallinera” had our hearts racing. It was nonstop action, suspense, and heartbreak. Queen of the South has officially entered its final windup and well, let’s just there was literal hellfire.

One of the only Latina-helmed shows currently on TV, Queen of the South is in its final season and LatinaMedia.Co and Fangirlish are teaming up to give it the coverage it deserves. So join us each week as we celebrate/commemorate/mourn Queen of the South through episode recaps, filled with our hot takes, commentary, and, of course, Latina perspective. Let’s do this!

CRISTINA ESCOBAR, CO-FOUNDER OF LATINAMEDIA.CO: THAT was an episode. Pote brought the humor, Dumas the humanity, James the romance (that look!), and Teresa the relatability. Well, she’s as relatable as anyone can be in a perfectly tailored white suit, running a multimillion dollar coke cartel.

LISSETE LANUZA SÁENZ, FANGIRLISH EIC: This might have been the best episode of the season. Everything felt like it was dialed up to a 100%, and there was barely a moment to breathe, which is a really good thing for a show like this one. There was also great balance, as you said, something the show doesn’t always manage as well as it did in this hour. And then there was the ending…

CRISTINA ESCOBAR: Spoiler – Boaz and his men TOOK KELLY ANNE. All season, I’ve just been rooting for their happiness and that’s still my end game: a little Pote running around, learning how to cook and shoot a gun. I’m imagining a literal, tiny mustache by the way. I know Boaz has been a big baddie from the beginning but I just don’t believe he’s going to be the one to ruin it all for Teresa. He’s certainly not going to kill Pote. I just cannot believe it. You?

QUEEN OF THE SOUTH -- "The Fox in the Hen House" Episode 507 -- Pictured in this screengrab: (l-r) Hemky Madera as Pote, Molly Burnett as Kelly Anne Van Awken -- (Photo by: USA Network)
DO NOT mess with our (ok Pote and Kelly Anne’s) happy ending!

LISSETE LANUZA SÁENZ: Yeah, I’m not as worried about Boaz as maybe I should be? He does have the making of the type of villain that ruins it all, he has been around for a while and he kinda snuck up on us, but I just feel like if anyone’s going to take down Teresa, it’s going to be Teresa herself. And we also still have three more episodes to go, and Boaz is making his move now, which in some ways makes it less likely that this is the definite move? Maybe I’m just too optimistic, but I don’t think Boaz will be Teresa’s downfall.

CRISTINA ESCOBAR: Agreed. Boaz had arcs over the last five seasons where I thought he could be redeemed or if not redeemed, then at least muzzled. Obviously, that’s no longer the case. And that visual of him and his men burning King George’s body… it was pure evil. He’s gone full-on-devil so I’ll have no mixed feelings when Teresa (Pote or James) kills him and I imagine I won’t be the only one. That line about Tony, Teresa’s godson, was beyond the pale.

LISSETE LANUZA SÁENZ: I never really liked Boaz, so like you, I won’t be sad to see him gone, but he has especially earned it in the last few episodes. Before he felt a little like the kind of evil you sorta had to put up with, especially on a show like this one, and now he’s crossed every line – even the ones we, as viewers, have to keep somewhat movable to be able to root for anyone on this show. I’m sure Boaz isn’t going to see the end of this show, and I am at this point, actively rooting for him to get what he deserves.

CRISTINA ESCOBAR: What about Dumas? I always liked him and his scenes may have seemed like a B plot this episode but I think he’s going to turn out to be VERY important in how everything plays out. For one, he’s genuinely trying to be a good person, just in a very messed up situation. He’s who James thought Teresa was. Who, perhaps, she still thinks she is. But she may have been corrupted by “this business.” I suppose time will tell. And by time, I mean the next three episodes.

QUEEN OF THE SOUTH -- "The Fox in the Hen House" Episode 507 -- Pictured in this screengrab: Alimi Ballard as Marcel Dumas -- (Photo by: USA Network)
Is Dumas the real hero of this story? Certainly Alimi Ballard was brilliant in this episode

LISSETE LANUZA SÁENZ: I really like your appreciation that he’s who James thought Teresa was. Maybe, in some ways, he is who Teresa still wants to be, deep down, despite all the things she’s had to do. I agree that Dumas probably has a bigger role to play, or at least I hope he does? If there’s anyone outside the main players I would love to see get a good ending, it’s definitely Dumas. And if not, I will at least take that the show going somewhere with the race issues. I would hate for that to just be some throwaway thing we noticed.

CRISTINA ESCOBAR: Exactly. I take it you noticed that Dumas called Teresa the “queen of the south” and it wasn’t exactly a good thing? I don’t remember anyone ever uttering the show’s name before and it felt powerful. He also called out what it meant for him, a Black man, to go to jail just moments before using the show’s name against Teresa. Maybe a racial reckoning is coming? Or perhaps Teresa will remember how to be honorable again from Dumas? That scene of her crying alone and snorting coke from a golden chalice (is that what you’d call it?) made me like her the least I have all show.

LISSETE LANUZA SÁENZ: I think it’s more likely that Dumas will help her remember what she wants to be, Dumas is serving as a mirror at this point, and he is a really effective one. But as I said before, I would love if some racial reckoning was also coming. I think we can have both. Especially because, as you said, this feels like Teresa’s lowest moment, for sure. And we have three episodes to go. So, we gotta find our way back to rooting for Teresa before this show is over. Or at least I hope so. I haven’t fully abandoned her, but I’m a little concerned. 

CRISTINA ESCOBAR: Teresa is standing by her ‘familia.’ She didn’t flee without Pote, James, and company and I have to believe that her flashback to her old self, combined with Dumas’ multiple soliloquies on the subject, is a sign she’s going to go back to her people-first ethos. Here’s hoping anyway!

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