Netflix’s “Another Self” Takes Us Beyond the Surface

…and vivacious personality, she struggles with feelings of inadequacy and a persistent fear of rejection. Throughout the series, Leyla’s journey is one of self-discovery and empowerment. Sevgi’s battle with…

5 Must-Read 2024 Books By Latinas

…party planner. To gain experience prior to applying, she decides to work on a Disneyland vloggers’s quince, which only ends up complicating her already-complicated life. One problem is that she…

“Furiosa” is A Sprawling Epic of Grief and Rage

…new story. With a new story comes old and new faces. Furiosa’s return is a welcome one, and in the hands of Anya Taylor-Joy, the crystalized rage Charlize Theron…

5 Important Latina Magazine Covers to Know

…magazine. Major interest led to two runs of a special Selena commemorative issue selling a whopping one million copies. It is because of Quintanilla-Perez, her talent, and the collective power…

Why Brazilian Horror Matters

…the 3,415 movies in Brazil’s 150 years of film, only 20 were classified as horror and most were from the same creator, José Mojica Marins aka Zé do Caixão.…

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