How the New Mon Laferte Documentary Can Help Latinas Heal

Mon Laferte in Mon Laferte, te amo. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024.

Mon Laferte is a powerhouse in all areas of her life. Not only is the Chilean (and naturalized Mexican) a successful singer-songwriter, but she’s also a caring mother, devoted artist, and the subject of a new documentary.

With hit songs like “Tu Falta De Querer” (2015), “Amor Completo” (2015), “Si Tú Me Quisieras” (2015), and “Mi Buen Amor” (2017), she invites loyal fans like me into her bittersweet, past relationships, but never close enough to know exactly what she went through. Until recently.

In Netflix’s new Mon Laferte, Te Amo documentary, released on August 1, she opens up to her fans about her life story.

And quite frankly, after watching her documentary, “powerhouse” doesn’t cut it anymore. She’s much more than that. Here’s what Mon’s documentary taught me about empathy, the importance of having a support system, and why sharing her resilient story can help other Latinas.

Mon Laferte Show Empathy in the Documentary

In the new documentary, the four-time Latin Grammy winner opens up about her mother’s relationship with a man who would harm both of them. She also talks about growing up in poverty and how her family did what they had to do to get by without financial support from her father. Heck, she also reveals that her father basically wanted nothing to do with her.

Still, she is strong and resilient enough to share her story today.

What strikes me the most is how she carefully describes her upbringing. She doesn’t blame her mother for what she went through. Instead, she shows a sort of grace and empathy.

In an interview with Billboard about the documentary, she said, “I’ve had a difficult relationship with [my mother], at times of much love, and at times of friction, of disagreements with her since I was a child. But over the years, I understand her much more, and today there is greater empathy.”

This reminds me of many stories I’ve heard about Latinas and their mothers – even my own. We judge them, we get upset at them for their choices, and then we take a step back and recognize that more likely than not, they’re figuring stuff out to the best of their capacity. Just like us. Just as we do with our children.

Of course, this sentiment isn’t 100% universal, but overall, Mon’s empathy can resonate with many Latinas with family hardships in their pasts.

The Importance of Having a Support System

As a teenager, Mon befriended a man who would become her lover and later, her first manager. He was 21 years older than her and emotionally abused her.

Although she doesn’t iron out the details in the documentary, she reveals that she ended up leaving him to go to Mexico City and thankfully, never heard of him again.

But this got me wondering how less painful her life would’ve been without this guy and if a strong support system could have protected her. Sure, she had her grandmother (who she refers to as a best friend) when she was young, but unfortunately, her abuela didn’t see Mon’s success as an artist.

It also makes me think of how important a support system is in general. We all go through hardships, but imagine doing it alone… Whether it’s family, friends, or through social media, it’s crucial to create bonds that can help you healthily navigate life’s ups and downs.

How Mon’s Resilience Can Help Other Latinas

Mon also opens up about her former boyfriend who inspired many of her breakthrough hits like “Tu Falta De Querer,” a song about infidelity. This experience sent the singer-songwriter through depression, even having suicidal thoughts over the failed relationship.

Can you imagine how many other Latinas go through similar ordeals and keep them hidden? How many of us go through the trenches and decide to keep it bottled up because we were once told that calladitas nos vemos más bonitas?

Truth is, I didn’t just see Mon while watching the documentary. In Mon’s story, I saw so many of us who suffer from the same type of abusive relationships, from lacking a support system, and from being alone.

I hope that by seeing a huge star like Mon Laferte on screen in this documentary, we get the courage to open up and finally, fully heal.

Mon Laferte, Te Amo is now streaming via Netflix.

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