Celebrating Women’s History Month with Young, Latina Hollywood

Isabella Gomez (One Day at a Time) Alycia Pascual-Pena (Saved by the Bell) Emily Tosta (Willy's Wonderland) Haskiri Velazquez (Saved by the Bell)

A partnership between NHMC and LatinaMedia.Co

To close out Women’s History Month, we hosted a conversation with next-generation Latinas, shifting our focus to women’s future! Spend an hour with us and our inspiring guests: Isabella Gomez (One Day at a Time), Alycia Pascual-Pena (Saved by the Bell), Emily Tosta (Willy’s Wonderland), and Haskiri Velazquez (Saved by the Bell). Let’s celebrate women past and present whose stories deserve to be told. Together, we’re reframing how we view women – and Latinas – onscreen.

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