A partnership between #WeAllGrow Latina and LatinaMedia.Co
This year Latinas had to work until OCTOBER 21 to earn, on average, what white guys took home last year. The cocktail of xenophobia, racism, and sexism at the heart of this pay gap is not news to us. Activist and organizer Mónica Ramírez wrote an op-ed for Latina Magazine highlighting a key problem with the pay gap calculation: this year fails to include the projected 1 million Latinas who left the workforce during the pandemic. What we’re worth is also inextricably linked to how we’re portrayed and valued our depictions in film and television.

Latinamedia.co rounded up the working Latinas in TV and film to remind us that we can do anything. And that regardless of the profession, all work has value. Chabeli Carrazana discussed how the pandemic has widened the pay gap and the need for more policies that explicitly address the intersections of gender and race.

Only 11% of books in 2018 were written by writers of color. This is sad but unsurprising, as we visit our local pumpkin patches and pull out our coziest sweaters, let’s grab a book and support Latina authors. Dreaming of You by Melissa Lozada-Oliva follows a poet who resurrects pop star Selena from the dead. And who doesn’t love that idea? What could possibly go wrong? Author and Latina Rebels’ founder Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodríguez’s For Brown Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts: A Love Letter to Women of Color debuted last month and it’s definitely on our reading list this October. A saga between two families, Naima Coster’s What’s Mine and Yours, is a beautiful book that straddles genres between a coming-of-age story and social commentary.
As we say goodbye to Libra season and hello to Scorpio, we’re soaking up all the advice we can to take care of ourselves and our spirits. Johanna Ferreira talked with five Latina mental health experts who are incorporating ancestral spirituality into their work. Looking for a new astrologist? Raquel Reichard highlighted 6 Latin American astrologers you need to know who aren’t Walter Mercado. And in case you missed it, last month marked “no-bra day,” an occasion Luz Collective observed by counting all the ways not wearing a bra can be good for your health!