Books have the power to change your life. These portable worlds of knowledge can teach you invaluable things, take you on trips around the world, and offer you the perspective and narratives of others. They can truly inspire and heal their readers. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and as part of this celebration of holistic health, I am sharing some of the top, best-selling self-help books of all time. These books have helped endless people, revolutionized lives, and sold millions of copies.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Way too often, we are either feeling sad about the past or worrying about the future. When all we can really count on, what we truly have is the right now. The #1 New York Times Best Seller The Power of Now, written by Eckhart Tolle, teaches readers the importance of embracing every moment.
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) by Don Miguel Ruiz

Mexicano Don Miguel Ruiz is the spiritual teacher and author behind the iconic self-help book The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. In it, he imparts Toltec wisdom to improve lives everywhere. These essential Four Agreements are:
- Be impeccable with your word
- Don’t take anything personally
- Don’t make assumptions
- Always do your best
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…And It’s All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life by Dr. Richard Carlson

Life would be much easier if we could condition ourselves to stop worrying about every small detail. And that’s why it benefits us to read Dr. Richard Carlson’s classic book Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. In it, we learn to distance ourselves from unnecessary drama by implementing tips such as:
- Learn to live in the moment
- Do one thing at a time
- Think of what you have instead of what you want
- Ask yourself, “Will this matter a year from now?”
The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman

Love is something that most everyone wants, but is often hard to understand. Thankfully, there are experts who help us make sense of it all. Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts introduces us to the concept that there are five different ways that a person likes to be shown love:
- Words of affirmation
- Quality time
- Receiving gifts
- Acts of service
- Physical touch
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret isn’t just a book (there was a documentary as well that precedes it)–it’s a way of life. Rhonda Byrne shares with readers The Law of Attraction, where we can manifest things in our life through:
- Visualization
- Gratitude
- Intention
- Mastering your thoughts and feelings
Like the majority of the other books in this roundup, The Secret has other spin-off books that continue the beneficial self-help education.