We Need More Latina Late Bloomer Stories

…between two teen boys and a woman 10 years their senior who is battling cancer. America Ferrera’s breakout role in Real Women Have Curves, which depicts a strained mother-daughter relationship…

Coupling Weddings and Death in Cinema

…says yes to Ronny’s unconventional proposal in her kitchen. Death is everywhere in Moonstruck: in Loretta’s father who can’t cope with his aging, in her fiancee Johnny’s dying mother, even…

"Uma Família Feliz" is a Broken One

A quiet street. Kids playing as the sun sets in the horizon. This is the kind of image Eva (Grazi Massafera) and Vincent (Reynaldo Gianecchini), a widower with twin daughters,…

Meet "Gloriana Presente" & The Woman Behind It

…in the Bronx. I did not learn to read until I was in the fourth grade. I witnessed my mother’s tears during my third-grade parent-teacher conference after my teacher told…

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